About Ace Tan @ LnF

Perfecting clients’ requirements and needs are my fulfilment. Passion into Johor IndustriaList adds adventurous stake on my profession.

My Vision

  • Visionised to yield maximum return for every client.
  • Envisage prospective Land & Factory in Johor to make the most out of estate usage and investment.

My Mission

  • Missionarise every stand and strategic trajectory so as to deliver efficiency.
  • Focused and snappy offering the most quality profession, flawlessly.

Ace Tan Geared-up

Scouting for Lands in Johor, Malaysia is by no means an easy task. I am always there for you to understand your specification needs. Be it Residential Lands or Commercial Lands, our group has it all to reach market availabilities. You can have peace of mind having me as your scouting spearhead commercial & industrial property agent in Johor, Malaysia. 

Hunting for Factories in Johor, Malaysia is likewise a journey of adventure. While Johor is a land of vast possibilities, to site a suitable factory in Johor requires well-connected sources. We have close connecting networks to bring about more choices of property so as to meet our clients’ specific needs.

Marketing of Lands and Factories in Johor is a part of my sales portfolio. Land and Factory owners leveraged on various digital marketing instruments that I had nurtured in the course of my real estate profession. This subsequently resulted in speedy sales of land, sales of factories and rental of warehouses.

the transitions

My Purpose Built

Every aspect, every detail determined the trajectory of any planned venture. Be specific, Be Trusted, Be Relied.


Balanced communication

Power Negotiation

Deliverables :


Satisfied Customers


Completed Projects


Completed Resale


Worked Hours

Requirements | Specifications | Needs
Always Ready to meet!

Layout your criteria for my most explicit performance, to meet. Experienced to hold specifications in your niche.