Ace Tan Factory
Johor is strategically geolocated, to its best advantage to serve and support magnificent activities around 2 metropolises. It is industrialists’ best fortress.
land & factory
Scaling Expert
ace tan
Industrial Realtor
Senior Consultant
ren 38959
012 776 1716
Calligraphed Knowledges & Experiences undertake, is what it takes – Ace Tan

012 776 1716
industrial realtor
senior consultant
ren 38959
Esteemed Commercial & Industrial Property Agent
Being a #1 Commercial & Industrial Realtor, I needed to be inline with business perspectives, a timely and precise buy. Eagerness in my works with passionate had made me progresses altogether with business owners. I was thus able to know my clients better. I had gain invaluable market knowledges on Land and Industrial Sales to better offer a top-notch service. Whilst professionalism and accountabilities are keys to fulfilling estate transactions, communications with my clients is as vital. I focus on my clients’ search intend sharply to deliver a more customised experience. Essentially, owner of Lands, Industrials Property and Factories reached out to me for a prospective sales since our group holds potential buyers more often than not.
Flagship B | NUSAJAYA |
Flagship C | WESTERN GATE |
Flagship D | EASTERN GATE |
Flagship E | SENAI-SKUDAI |
See >>> Iskandar Investment
Endless Explorations into Johor Remarkable Lands & Factories with Ace Tan.
Find Out Where
You Need to Start
Factory for Sale | Factory for Rent at Ease
We have what you will need in our inventory. Our list of estates is non-exhaustive. Get us connected to reach for vast varieties of opportunities and possibilities.
My Specialities
Ace Tan is well equipped with the necessities to deliver revolutionary land & factory transactions in Johor. Networking in the industry is her key forte in achieving a favorable position.
Its What you need &
That’s What mine cares

JB Industrial Land
Lands of any size can be delivered to your requirements.

JB Factory
Factories of any needs can be catered and accustomed.